I have mentioned before that "Yolochka" (pronounced YO-luch-ku) means "little Christmas tree," which, for Ukrainians is a sign of holiday happiness. You can see by these outdoor pictures why they chose to give it such a name. This orphanage is surrounded by trees!

The outdoor play equipment shown in the picture below was
definitely imported. There is nothing like this available in Ukraine (or you might see something like it in
my backyard)! Most likely an adopting family bought and shipped this back to the orphanage for the little ones who remain.

Below, my three munchkins with two of the young ladies in our church, Nelya and Lena:
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14, (Mark 10:14, Luke 18:16)
I am so excited to show my husband your site, and especially this section about Yolotchka! We adopted our son Matt from this orphanage in 2005, and it brings back such memories to see all of these pictures. WE didn't think to get many of these pictures of the facility, and I was so sorry I hadn't because I have wanted to show Matt. So I am very grateful!!! Do you still visit? My daughter and I just put together a large box of clothes, shoes, videos, etc that we sent to them and we are just hoping it makes it there! Inside we had a letter translated that tells them our story, and asks them for their current needs. Our goal is to make supporting the orphanage an ongoing project. I am currently praying for God's wisdom and direction. Your site is just adorable, and I can't wait to explore more! LeeAnn
ReplyDeleteLeeAnn, I am SO sorry it has taken me so long to respond! Around the time you posted this comment, the Lord moved us from Ukraine to Israel for 3 months, due to our not getting our visas renewed (first time in 10 years this has happened!)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I am excited that you found my blog and that you were able to share these pictures with Matt. We do not visit Yolochka on a regular basis, but we do find ourselves there from time to time. May God bless you for the wonderful miracle you have given Matt... a family! I admire people like you!