An opportunity arose for my David to return to Israel for a ten-day trip. He will be assisting our pastor emeritus, Dr. Vineyard, in some meetings in Jerusalem. Then, he will be the guide for a group of nearly 50 Mexican pastors, their wives, and church members as they tour the Kenesset (Israeli Paliament) building and meet with Israeli leaders. This trip is being paid for by dear friends who extended this offer to me as well. However, I decided to stay home with my children this time. I told David, "I only get 18 years with our children, and that time will be gone before we know it!" Since I just enjoyed a trip to Israel, I did not want to turn around and leave them again.
So.... please pray for David's safety, and for the four of us who are remaining behind. I do not like being separated from my hubby - my love, my security, my hero - but I want God to use us whereever He sees fit, and I pray that David can be a special blessing to others during the next ten days.
And, pray for the children and I to make some very special memories together as well!
I will be praying.
ReplyDeleteI just prayed for David, you and your precious little ones. =)
ReplyDeleteThis is John Heuermann, ya'll are on my prayer list,I prayed for David, you and those 3 blessings that God has give to you. May God continue to bless the work you do.
ReplyDeleteI'll pray for you and your husband!