Okay, please don't be terrified after you look at these pictures, because we really are doing just fine! At times the work on our house seems to be moving at a snail's pace, but I have to remind myself that we are not here to live comfortably (though I do expect to live comfortably here one day!), but we are here to share the Gospel and encourage others to grow in Christ. Jesus chose to be born in the lowliest of places, so why should I expect more, right? Truly my God is so good to me, and I am constantly amazed at His goodness to us. For example...
Just yesterday morning we had a fire on our property. The people in the house next to us were burning their dead autumn leaves and brush and were not paying close enough attention to the fire. We were in the house and did not even know what was going on, but the fire jumped the fence and burned 30% of the weeds on our land before we were able to put it out. David was not even home at the time, but a worker (one of the men who is building our house) and I put the fire out with buckets of water! Once we were breathing relief at having the fire out, we realized what a blessing it was that there was NO WIND at the time. An hour later, when David got home, the winds became so strong that trees were bending over. My heart began beating once again (as it had been during the fire) as I realized that God had held these strong winds back especially for us, to protect us and our home. Now I have no doubt that my God loves me! With that in mind, enjoy these pictures!
Just yesterday morning we had a fire on our property. The people in the house next to us were burning their dead autumn leaves and brush and were not paying close enough attention to the fire. We were in the house and did not even know what was going on, but the fire jumped the fence and burned 30% of the weeds on our land before we were able to put it out. David was not even home at the time, but a worker (one of the men who is building our house) and I put the fire out with buckets of water! Once we were breathing relief at having the fire out, we realized what a blessing it was that there was NO WIND at the time. An hour later, when David got home, the winds became so strong that trees were bending over. My heart began beating once again (as it had been during the fire) as I realized that God had held these strong winds back especially for us, to protect us and our home. Now I have no doubt that my God loves me! With that in mind, enjoy these pictures!
OUR BEDROOM (concrete floors and walls... for now...)
I remember living like that several times - especially recently while we were waiting for the container to arrive. Although they are inconvenient and not completely comfortable, they are good times and good memories. They help you enjoy the simple things in life. I look forward to seeing pictures when everything is complete! Keep us posted.
What a fun game! I really liked the one spelling God in Russian letters - so neat! What a great way to relax and get to know each other.