Saturday, July 18, 2009

God provided for Misha's heart sugery!

I mentioned recently that there is a young man by the name of Misha that needs prayer. His heart is extremely weak and he has been given only six months to live if does not have surgery (I believe it will be an open-heart sugery). Well, I wanted to let you know that GOD has provided the money! As soon as they can get him stabilized and he can get as much of the preliminary work done here (blood tests, etc.), he will be traveling by train to the capital city of Kiev, which is a 14-hour train ride, for his surgery. He still needs much prayer, but the first step of getting the money has been accomplished. In Ukraine, the doctors will not provide surgery unless you can pay the money upfront. His mother had taken off from work to beg friends and family to help them with this incredible cost. But, they were only able to come up with about 20% on their own. The family told us that they just thought they were going to have to watch their son die. God provided a miracle for them, and David and I had the privilege of watching the tears of joy that fell from their eyes when they received the other 80%. I will never forget that moving moment for as long as I live.


Please continue praying for Misha. He has a long way to go yet. We are praying that God will do a work on his heart in two ways: physically and spiritually. His parents are two of the most precious people you will meet this side of Heaven. Bro. Oleg, Misha's father, is a deacon in our deaf church. Both he and his wife are completely deaf and serve joyfully, always available to help with anything and everything. Every church needs a couple like these dear people. Let's pray God will work a miracle for their sakes!

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Thank you for your encouraging comments! "As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country." Proverbs 25:25